AUGUST 23: Spinning Tableau at the Monument
These are places we consider most helpful in learning about the contributions women have made to Lexington across time and sites that speak to the process of making women visible:
Great places to begin:
Lexington Historical Society's special exhibition page Bold Women of Lexington includes three videos that introduce women whose lives are carefully researched.
Each woman has made a significant contribution to Lexington.
We strongly encourage people who are thinking of sending submissions to visit this page and watch all three videos. There is so much to learn about Lexington's uncelebrated women, and the Historical Society worked with researchers and historians to select the women they would include in this special exhibit.
A helpful second stop is the Freedom's Way site, which details four special Lexington women.
We also encourage people to visit our Speaker Series page to learn from the guests who have shared their knowledge with us. Though we were not able to record historian Mary Keenan, we recommend her book In Haste Julia.
Great websites:
To learn more about the most recent monument in New York City's Central Park: home of Monumental Women
On the Recent Nationwide/International Movement to Establish Monuments Featuring Women:
Lexington Specifics / Women of Note:
Lexington Town Government Specifics:
Lexington, MA Comprehensive Cultural Resources Survey
Charge for the Monuments and Memorials Committee
Recent Monuments to honor women:
Montgomery, Alabama:
Central Park monument honors women's rights pioneers